Lasted update: July 2024


This Privacy Policy describes the types of information that Kevinn store (collectively, “we,” “our,” or “us”) collects from users of (collectively, the “Site”). This Privacy Policy also explains how we may use, disclose, or share and protect that information, as well as your choices regarding that information. The information we collect and the purposes for which we use or disclose or share that information will depend to some extent on how you use the Sites and how you interact with us. Throughout this Privacy Policy, “information” includes personal information about you.


2.Information Collection

We may collect the following types of information in the manner described below. We may also collect information about you through other individuals or

service providers, third parties and/or other parties in the manner described below.

(A) We may collect information from or about you and/or another individual and/or party when you access or use the Sites.

The following are examples of ways you may access or use the Sites:

-To create, use or make changes (e.g., correct, update or delete) to your information (e.g., providing your email address and password in connection with your online account on the Site, as well as any other information you provide to us, such as content or comments);

-To provide contact information (e.g., full name, email address, telephone number, relevant preferences and certain additional information depending on the nature of the intended use, information for transactions with us and/or service providers, third parties and/or others through the Sites and information provided in connection with products and services; and

Information when you contact or otherwise interact with us or service providers, third parties and/or others (e.g., your search queries on the Sites, questions or requests for information, providing information, comments, content or suggestions, applying for a job, transacting products or services, participating in surveys and questionnaires, subscribing to emails and newsletters and reporting problems with any Sites).

(B) We may receive information about you through other individuals or service providers, third parties and/or others, such information may may be used as described in this Privacy Policy.

(C)We may automatically collect other information from or about you, including:

Operating system;

Browser type;

Internet Protocol (IP) address;

Platform type;

Software and hardware attributes;

Your Internet service provider’s domain name;

Your geographic location;

Information related to your access to and use of the Sites; and

Anonymous information

In addition, we may automatically collect information about content viewed or downloaded, landing pages, browsing activity, dates and times of visits, pages viewed, forms you complete or partially complete, search terms, whether you open emails and your interaction with email content, error logs, and other similar information. We, along with our service providers, third parties, and/or other parties, may automatically collect such information through cookies, web beacons, tags, application analytics software, and other technologies. Please see Cookies and Other Technologies; Do Not Track below.

(D) We may collect information about you from:

Social Media Services;

Publicly Accessible Sources;

Other Individuals; and

Our Service Providers, Third Parties, and/or Other Parties

(E) We may combine any information we collect from or about you and use and disclose or share that information in the ways described in this Privacy Policy.


We, along with our service providers, third parties, and/or others, use cookies, application analytics software, and other technologies. These technologies are used for tracking, advertising, analytics, and personalization and optimization of the Sites.

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer. Persistent cookies remain on a user’s computer after the browser is closed. Session cookies only exist during a user’s online session and disappear from the user’s computer when the user closes the browser. You can instruct your browser to stop accepting cookies. But if you do not accept cookies, you may not be able to use all parts or all of the functionality of the Sites.

4.Use of Information

We may use the information we collect from and about you to conduct our business and for any of the purposes described in the Privacy Policy, subject to applicable law. For example, as follows.

  1. Provide or facilitate the provision of products and services to you. Provide or facilitate the provision of products and services to you (e.g., to fulfill your transactions, process, maintain and service your online account on the Website ).
  2. To communicate with you. To communicate with you to provide information and content, notices related to the Website, promotions and offers.
  3. To respond to you. To respond to you, such as when you make a transaction, contact us, make a request or inquiry, complete a survey or questionnaire, sign up for emails and newsletters, or share comments or concerns.
  4. To Personalize Your Experience with Us. To personalize your experience with us, including remembering your interests and preferences, customizing the products and services we share with you, facilitating your interactions with us, tracking and categorizing your activities and interests on the Sites, and enriching your experience on the Sites.
  5. For Marketing and Advertising. For marketing and advertising, such as sending you marketing and advertising communications and customizing the marketing and advertising we display to you. We may also run ads on other websites and applications through our advertising partners.
  6. For analytics. For analytics, including understanding how you use the Sites, identifying how you access the Sites, and improving the Sites, whether by us or by service providers, third parties, and/or others, subject to applicable law.
  7. For Our Business Purposes. For our business purposes, such as to operate and improve our legitimate business and operations, to maintain our accounts and records, to research, improve, and develop our products and services, to determine your satisfaction with our products and services, to detect and prevent fraud or misuse of our products and services, and for any other business purpose permitted by applicable law.
  8. Surveys and Questionnaires; Research. Create and/or administer surveys and questionnaires and conduct research.
  9. For Legal and Safety Purposes. For legal and safety purposes, including to protect or defend us, you, or others from harm or, in legal proceedings, to protect our rights; protect our security and the security of others and property, respond to court orders, lawsuits, subpoenas and government requests, address compliance with laws and regulations, and notify you about security issues.
  10. Anonymous Information. To collect, compile and/or create anonymous information, which we or our service providers, third parties and/or others may do, subject to applicable law, and which we or our service providers, third parties and/or others may use for any purpose, subject to applicable law.
  11. With Your Consent. We may use your information other than as described in this Privacy Policy if we notify you and you consent to such use.
  12. Upon Your Request. We may use your information at your request, subject to applicable law.
  13. For any other purpose for which we notify you. We may use your information for any other purpose for which we provide you with notice, subject to applicable law.
  14. Cookies. Please see Cookies

5.Disclosure or Sharing of Information

Information may be disclosed or shared with other users and service providers, third parties, and/or other parties pursuant to this Privacy Policy, subject to applicable law. Please note that users may choose not to disclose or share certain information.

  1. Service Providers, Third Parties, and/or Other Parties. We may use service providers, third parties, and/or other parties to perform certain services on our behalf, including but not limited to auditing interactions and transactions with you, detecting and preventing fraud, addressing security issues, correcting errors, helping us with advertising or marketing, maintaining accounts, providing customer service, assisting with our research, verifying the quality or safety of our products and services, and taking any other actions or activities permitted under this Privacy Policy.
  2. Social Media Services. If you choose to use a social media service, information from or about you may be disclosed to, shared with, or collected by the social media service.
  3. Direct Marketing. We may disclose or share personal information with third parties for the third party’s direct marketing purposes.
  4. ​​Changes in Business. If we enter into or take steps leading to a merger, acquisition, sale of assets, divestiture, joint venture, securities offering, financing, bankruptcy, reorganization, liquidation, dissolution, or other transaction, or if the ownership of all or substantially all of our business changes, we may disclose, share, or transfer your information to another party or parties and that information may subsequently be used by such party or parties.
  5. For Analytics. For analytics, including understanding how you use the Sites, identifying how you access the Sites, and improving the Sites, whether by us or by our service providers, third parties, and/or others, subject to applicable law.
  6. Legal and Safety. Other parties such as law enforcement, government agencies, courts, or service providers, third parties, and/or others as required or permitted by applicable law, such as for the legal and safety purposes described in Use of Information above or to help prevent harm or fraud to us, you, or others.
  7. Anonymous Information. We may disclose or share anonymous information regarding users of the Sites with any service providers, third parties, and/or others for any purpose, subject to applicable law.
  8. With Your Consent. We may disclose or share your information other than as described in this Privacy Policy if we notify you and you consent to such disclosure or sharing.
  9. Upon Your Request. We may disclose or share your information with any individual or service provider, third party and/or other party at your request, subject to applicable law.
  10. For Any Purpose Other Than We Notify. We may disclose or share your information for any other purpose for which we provide you with notice, subject to applicable law.
  11. Cookies Please see the Cookies section

6.Links to Other Websites

This Privacy Policy applies only to the Websites. The Websites may contain links to other websites to which this Privacy Policy does not apply. Links from websites do not imply that we endorse or have reviewed these websites. The policies and procedures we describe here do not apply to these websites. We cannot control and are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of these websites. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of these websites.

7.Children’s Privacy

We do not knowingly collect personal information from individuals under the age of eighteen (18). If you are under the age of eighteen (18), please do not access, use, or submit any personal information through the Websites.


We take physical, technological, and administrative measures to protect the information you provide through the Sites from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, or alteration, and from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. Please note, however, that no security measure can guarantee absolute security. No method of electronic transmission or the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is completely secure or error-free. Electronic transmissions or the Internet, including those sent through the Sites, may not be secure. You should exercise caution whenever sending information through the Sites and be particularly careful when deciding what information you provide to us.


We will retain your personal information for as long as reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy, as long as we have a legitimate business need to do so, or as required by law (for example, for legal, tax, accounting or other purposes), whichever is longer.

If you have opted in to receive email communications from us, we will retain information about your email preferences until you opt out of receiving such email communications and in accordance with our policy.

10.Choices Regarding Your Information

You have choices regarding your information on the Sites

  1. Changing Your Information. You can change your information, including accessing it, correcting or updating it, or deleting it, by contacting us.
  2. Email Communications. You can make changes regarding receiving emails from us by contacting us via email at [email protected] . You can also opt out of receiving marketing emails from us.
  3. Withdrawing Consent. You can withdraw your consent to our use, disclosure, or sharing of your information at any time by contacting us via email at [email protected] .
  4. Cookies. Please see Cookies above
  5. Social Networking Services. You should ensure that you are comfortable with what information from or about you may be disclosed, shared or collected by the social networking service. With regard to what information is disclosed, shared or collected and how it is used, please carefully review the privacy policy and terms and conditions of the social networking service and modify your privacy settings directly on that service.
  6. Please see the Retention section above.

11.Modifications to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time and from time to time. Please review this Privacy Policy periodically and especially before you provide any information. This Privacy Policy is effective as of the date stated above.

12.Contact Information

If you have any comments or questions about this Privacy Policy or the practices described herein, you may contact us by email at [email protected].